Premium By Raushan Design With Shroff Templates
Premium By Raushan Design With Shroff Templates

Planning to marry a programmer?

Planning to marry or date a programmer ?
Things to know if your partner is a Programmer 

1. Remind them about the ‘TIME’

sometimes they forget everything when they are already in their throne — in front of the computer.

2. Prepare their food. 

They prefer to solve problems than to eat their meals. Don’t let them prepare for themselves, they value time, they will end up cooking sunny side up, pancit canton, cornbeef... which is not good for their health... 

3. Remind them about Birthdays, Anniversaries, and other special Occasions. They don’t think so much about it. 

4. Don’t fight with them. 

They are too smart. You will never win because they will kill you with their patience. They are too genius they will annoy you with their art of deadma. 

5. Programmers talk about ‘codes’ even when they are asleep. They ‘sleep talk’

6. Just listen to them even if you don’t understand his language anymore, he is just trying to solve a problem.

7. They are uncomplicated especially in ‘what to wear’. 

8. They prefer to upgrade their computers than to upgrade mobile phones.

9. They are not expressive but they will love you the best that they can. 

10. They are generous. 

Their salary can pay bills and make your life comfortable 😉 programming is one of the highest paid job as long as you continue to learn and develop your skills.. you can be paid as high as 6 digits per month.. 

Their salary depends upon their level of skills and experience
2 years after getting married He is able to bought me a house and a car.

Being a programmer is a silent but dangerous job they can spoil you. 

11. If you are planning to have vacation, choose a place where there is NO INTERNET.

So that they will not be tempted to work while on vacation. If they insist then it’s your bad for marrying both that man and their job.

12. Don’t ask them to repair your gadgets they are programmers they work on codes and softwares not on repairing your broken LCD’s.

13. Programmers are ‘forgetful’ ... maybe its an effect of not getting right amount of sleep.. so in case they forget something please bare with them just exhale your impatience and inhale understanding..

14. Don’t be surprised if they shout out loud ‘YES’ , ‘FINALLY’ , ‘HOOO!!’ Maybe they just solved a major problem . It’s their way of rejoicing!

15. They love facing their monitors, but they are not into social media.. stop expecting long cheesy messages (if they do so, appreciate it, they made their best effort) .. they seldom visit their social media accounts.. but they often check their LinkedIn, slack, github, bitbucket, jira, trello, etc .. and oh don’t forget to update them with the trends.

Being a wife of a programmer requires a lot of understanding. Behind successful programmers is a supportive partner.



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